- Data breaches exposed 36 billion records in the first half of 2020. (RiskBased) -
An estimated 300 billion passwords are used by humans and machines worldwide. (Cybersecurity Media)
- 95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error. (Cybint) -
- Data breaches exposed 36 billion records in the first half of 2020. (RiskBased) - An estimated 300 billion passwords are used by humans and machines worldwide. (Cybersecurity Media) - 95% of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error. (Cybint) -
Cyber security is a subject which changes regularly due to the increase of cyber threats and information about how to combat them in the cyberspace. On average, every 39 seconds a malicious hacking attempt occurs (Cybint), this figure is alarmingly high especially due to the lack of familiarity of the average internet consumer about this topic. Due to how intertwined the use of the internet is in people’s lives, it is not a surprise, that today, data is seen as an important online currency as such.
Data privacy nowadays can be viewed as a commodity rather than a feature that users assume they already have a privilege to; this is due to the growth of techniques to collect people’s data and often sell them to e.g. third party websites. This can be done in the form of cookies, web traffic or even through social media monitoring etc.
From a simple search on websites that check if your email has been breached, the average user will be shocked to see that their data has been taken/used right from under their noses. People should be able to access the internet with the knowledge needed to pick good choices to help ensure their safety by keeping them aware with the newest cybersecurity news. If you want to check if your email has been compromised, and if so, the extent of it, click the button below!